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Frequently Asked Questions
User account specific FAQ - Help with: Famous Birthdays - Famous Quotations - Fortune Cookies - Interactive Animations - Jokes - Make-Your-Own - Planes, Trains, Autos - Scenic Postcards - Snow Globes - Space Postcards

Web Browser Requirements
     UniqueGreetings.com, and all sections within it are designed to work correctly with the latest versions of popular web browsers. All sections except those using JavaTM will work for WebTV users. If you are having any trouble hearing music, using the Make-Your-Own section, or viewing any of the animations that use JavaTM, we strongly suggest that you upgrade your browser software to at minimum:

Internet Explorer 4.0 - Netscape Navigator 4.7 - AOL 5.0, keyword UPGRADE

     In addition to one of the above browsers, you may also need a "MIDI" plug-in to play music. To find the correct plug-in for your browser, you may wish to consult your browser's help section.
Card Pickup
1.I received a greeting from your site... HOW DO I PICK IT UP???
  In the email you received, there were two links you could have followed - the first link takes you DIRECTLY to your card. The second link takes you to the home page of the area of the site your greeting came from. From there, you can manually enter your card number into the pickup form on the right side of the page. To go to one of the sections of the site right now, click one of the choices in the menu at the top of the page.
2.The email I received says to click a link... I don't see one!
  Many people now use email programs that allow webpage links within email messages. If you are not one of those people, you won't see a "clickable link" - you will just see a URL in plain text. What we suggest you do if you are one of these folks, is highlight the URL, copy it, and paste it into your browser window. You could also go to UniqueGreetings, then click to enter the area of the site your greeting came from, then enter your card number into the pickup form on the right side of the page.
3.I tried to receive a card, but it could not find it. WHAT GIVES?
  If you copied and pasted the URL for your card into your browser window, make sure you got the WHOLE URL. Often, email programs will wrap to the next line if the URL is too long... If this was the case, try to get the whole URL on the same line, or try using the alternate pickup method.
4.I'm absolutely positive I got the whole URL... It still can't find my card :(
  As you can imagine, lots of cards are sent each month... If we didn't delete old cards, we would surely run out of disk space and there would be no more UniqueGreetings. So, we delete cards that are a month old. If you haven't checked your email for a month, we apologize, but your greeting card is now gone.
5.My greeting card was found, but nothing appears on my screen! What's going on?!
  If you were sent an interactive animation greeting, or a hand-drawn greeting from the make-your-own section of the site, you will need a JavaTM enabled browser to view your greeting. Your browser should be at least version 4.0, with 4.5 and above highly recommended. If your browser does not meet these specifications, we strongly suggest that you upgrade... useful links are Internet Explorer and Netscape. On an Macintosh, you should use Internet Explorer, as the version of JavaTM included with Netscape may be extremely out of date.
6.I have a Java enabled browser 4.0 or above, but the sections of your site that use Java still won't work!
  The number one reason we have found that this happens is that Java was indeed installed with your browser, but for some reason it is not ENABLED in your browser preferences. Try looking at your preferences, and enable Java if it is not enabled - restart your computer if necessary. The number two reason we have found that this happens is the occasional buggy beta-version browsers... If your browser is a beta version, we highly recommend upgrading. If all else fails, try reinstalling your browser - it is possible that Java was not installed properly.
7.I use AOL... Will my browser understand Java?
  Yes, IF you have the current version of AOL. If you don't, we suggest upgrading. Try keyword upgrade.
8.I use WebTV... Can I use Java?
  As of November 1999, no... but we hear they are working on it. WebTV users can use the Jokes, Fortunes, and Postcards no problem - it's only the Animations and Make-Your-Own sections that use JavaTM
Card Sending
1.Can I see what the card looks like before entering information into the form?
  Sure! Just go to the area of the site you are interested in, and click the link to see an example from the right side of the page. Note that these are simply examples of what your card COULD look like. Unlike other greeting card sites, our greetings are not static... The look and feel of your greeting is entirely dependant on what YOU choose!
2.It says I haven't filled in the form completely... Why?
  Don't forget to fill in your name and email, your recipient's name and email, and your message. If you have filled in all of these things, next check to make sure the email addresses you entered are valid... Make sure you didn't forget the "@" symbol, or the ".something" suffix.
3.It's annoying to type in names and email addresses every time I want to send a greeting card!
  If you want to save a little typing, sign up for your FREE Account, and you'll never have to type in your name and email address again!
4.I hit "reload" on the preview page, and now it says the form is incomplete!
  The preview page is generated by a "post" operation - this means that you entered some information into a form (your name, email address, message, etc) and the information from that form was "posted" to the preview generator. When you hit "reload," the information you entered before may not be remembered, depending on the browser you use.
5.I'm trying to preview an animation card, but I don't see anything!
  Are you using a JavaTM enabled browser? Your browser should be at least version 4.0, with 4.5 and above highly recommended. If your browser does not meet these specifications, we strongly suggest that you upgrade... useful links are Internet Explorer and Netscape. On an Macintosh, you should use Internet Explorer, as the version of JavaTM included with Netscape may be extremely out of date.
6.I have a Java enabled browser 4.0 or above, but the sections of your site that use Java still won't work!
  The number one reason we have found that this happens is that Java was indeed installed with your browser, but for some reason it is not ENABLED in your browser preferences. Try looking at your preferences, and enable Java if it is not enabled - restart your computer if necessary. The number two reason we have found that this happens is the occasional buggy beta-version browsers... If your browser is a beta version, we highly recommend upgrading. If all else fails, try reinstalling your browser - it is possible that Java was not installed properly.
7.I use AOL... Will my browser understand Java?
  Yes, IF you have the current version of AOL. If you don't, we suggest upgrading. Try keyword upgrade.
8.I use WebTV... Can I use Java?
  As of November 1999, no... but we hear they are working on it. WebTV users can use the Jokes, Fortunes, and Postcards no problem - it's only the Animations and Make-Your-Own sections that use JavaTM

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© 1999-2025 UniqueGreetings.com online provider of free virtual unique greeting cards.
All rights reserved.

Unique Greeting Cards :: Disclaimer Statement

UniqueGreetings.com assumes no responsibility for the content of unique virtual greeting cards sent through this site. In addition, UniqueGreetings.com is not responsible for any actions taken as a result of the content of this site. UniqueGreetings.com shall not be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of this site. The site is provided as-is, and no warranty is made that the site will be free of error or interruption. No material from this site or its unique greeting cards may be copied or used in any manner without prior written permission from UniqueGreetings.com. Read our privacy policy. Site hosted courtesy of TickerTech.com financial content & stock ticker services.


Unique Greeting Cards