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   Partner with UniqueGreetings.com, and add the power of greeting cards to your site. Would your users benefit if your site had a greeting card section? If the answer to that question is yes, then the solution is to partner with UniqueGreetings.com. Give your users yet another reason to keep coming back to your site. You can add our valuable and unique content while maintaining the look and feel of your site... Here's how:

   We'll set up a "fully branded greeting card site" for you, which will have the exact look and feel of your site. There is no obligation to use any of your branded pages, and there doesn't have to be a formal agreement or contract between us. We want to keep things as easy, simple, and fast as possible. To help you decide if our branded greeting card service is right for you, we'll even set up an example for you to look at.

   If you are interested in our branded greeting card service, or would like to discuss a different sort of partnership, please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you promptly.

- The UniqueGreetings Team
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UniqueGreetings.com assumes no responsibility for the content of unique virtual greeting cards sent through this site. In addition, UniqueGreetings.com is not responsible for any actions taken as a result of the content of this site. UniqueGreetings.com shall not be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of this site. The site is provided as-is, and no warranty is made that the site will be free of error or interruption. No material from this site or its unique greeting cards may be copied or used in any manner without prior written permission from UniqueGreetings.com. Read our privacy policy. Site hosted courtesy of TickerTech.com financial content & stock ticker services.


Unique Greeting Cards